Specialist Nurses
Community Midwives
he midwives are available to provide health care, advice and support regarding pregnancy, birth and care of the mother and baby within the family home. They hold a weekly ante-natal clinic and can be contacted via the practice receptionists.
The contact number for the community midwives at their office in Eastbourne DGH is 417400 ext.4109.
Community Nurses
The team attached to the practice is responsible for nursing care in the community. For advice please telephone 01323 514870 extension 6029 between 08:30 - 17:00 Monday to Friday.
If you require community nursing assistance outside of these hours, please ring the number above and the contact numbers for the out of hours team will be given in the message.
Health Visitors
The health visiting service is staffed by registered nurses who have further specialist training, particularly relating to expectant mothers and school age children. Services include development assessments, child health clinics, counselling and health education.
You can contact them on 01323 488531