Patient Group
Patient Participation Group
We have a volunteer patient group, currently consisting of approx 15 patients, and they are representative to the practice. The PPG have regular meetings (approximately every eight weeks), which are held on alternate Mondays and Thursdays at 12.00 noon, along with a doctor and the practice manager. The PPG helps to influence the way local health care is organised and delivered.
The PPG is not a complaints forum, nor is it for delivering personal or government agendas. Indeed, the independence of the PPG is one of its major strengths. If you feel you have any comments or feedback the PPG would like to hear from you (contact details below).
If you are interested in joining the group we would like to hear from you. Please either e-mail the practice at , speak to one of the receptionists if you are passing one of our sites or write to us at:
Charlotte Backler
Re: Patient Participation Group
Stone Cross Surgery
Mimram Road
Stone Cross
East Sussex, BN24 5DZ
Click below to see the Terms of Reference for our patient Group.

Patient Practice Group Minutes Archive
Get Involved
Use the online form to register your email address and take part in occassional surveys.
Minutes of Meetings
Surveys & Reports
- Survey Reporting
- Results of 2016 Questionnaire including patient comments.pdf
- Results of 2015 Questionnaire including patient comments.pdf
- Results of 2014 Questionnaire including patient comments.pdf
- Practice's Objectives from 2014 Questionnaire.pdf
- Results of 2013 Questionnaire including patient comments.pdf
- Practice's Objectives from 2013 Questionnaire.pdf
- Patient Comments 2011-2012.pdf
- Results (figures and graphs) 2011-2012.xls