News Page


Appointments and New Services

Despite staff shortages and increased demands on our services, we are, in fact, offering 40% more appointments than pre-pandemic.

We also have additional services and professionals available to support the practice and our patients, provided by our Primary Care Network (PCN)

You may also be intrested to view the results of a recent GP Patient Survey which showed that

  • 96% of patients that responded described their overall experience of our practice as good.

This is 11% higher than the average for other local practices and 13% higher than the national average.

Click Here to view the results of the survey in more detail.

Wait List

Hospital Outpatient waiting times

As many hospital departments are experiencing COVID related back-logs and longer waiting times, the following a link displays the current EDGH approximate waiting times for first outpatient appointments in the main departments.

New Patient Registrations

We regret to inform you that as from Friday 9th July 2021, we will be undertaking a temporary list suspension. This means that we will not be registering new patients at our practice.

This decision has been taken due to the unprecedented demand for new registrations. The Partners have agreed that continuing to register new patients could potentially jeopardise our ability to provide safe care to those patients already registered at the practice.

We will continue to register:

  • newborn or adopted babies of parents already registered at the Practice who are still living within our boundary.
  • first degree relatives of patients already registered at the Practice who are living at the same address as registered patients and are still living within our boundary.

If you are not currently registered with a GP surgery and are finding it difficult to locate one please click here for further information.